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Agile Leadership coaching jumpstart

Built around the trusted 360° feedback instrument, the Leadership Circle Profile™, Agile Leadership Coaching Jumpstart will help you further develop your strengths and create a roadmap for your future in Agile organizations. The Leadership Circle Profile™ facilitates accelerated improvement in a leader’s leadership effectiveness and is available in 2 editions: Executive and Manager.


  • Deep insight into your behaviors and motivations

  • Enhanced resiliency to navigate today’s increasingly complex world

  • Expanded ability to lead and create sustainable results in highly complex situations, especially in Agile Organizations

  • A holistic view of your strengths and development opportunities

  • An action plan that is consistent with your value structure

Leadership Coaching Options


Option 1: Initiate
If you have not taken the Leadership Circle Profile™, the leadership coaching process starts with the 360° feedback instrument and continues with four one-on-one coaching sessions over the course of 60 - 90 days. The particular attributes and competencies of an Agile Leader will be considered, as appropriate.

  • One-on-one, 90-minute debriefing session via phone

  • 360° feedback instrument, incorporating feedback from colleagues, direct reports, and bosses. Includes detailed results and interpretation manual.

  • Three 60-minute, one-on-one coaching sessions via phone

Option 2: Retake
If you simply want to measure your progress a year or more after coaching, retake the Leadership Circle Profile™ and schedule a debrief meeting.

  • One 90-minute coaching/debriefing session via phone

  • A retake of your previous 360° feedback instrument

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